A Wearable Raspberry Pi w/ a Camera and a Grove Hat

Arash Kamangir
Nov 14, 2022


dec82 is a wearable Raspberry Pi with a camera and a Grove hat.

Hardware details coming soon to blue-bracket.

Grove is a modular, standardized connector prototyping system. Grove takes a building block approach to assembling electronics (wiki.seeedstudio.com).

from wiki.seeedstudio.com

I have already built my hardware. Let’s install abcli 🚀 on it and then develop the grove pieces. Here are the instructions. Make sure to follow the headless branch.

# mac
abcli ssh rpi dec82
# mac
abcli seed headless_rpi clipboard
# rpi
abcli cookie copy dec82
abcli init

This should take a few hours… ⏳

Next: abcli += grove. 🚀



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