roofAI 🏛️: serving — 6
cloudwatch help
cloudwatch browse endpoint
roof inference invoke \
profile=VALIDATION - \
$(@ref roofAI_ingest_AIRS_v2) \
@git review
import boto3
from sagemaker import image_uris
image_uris.retrieve("xgboost", boto3.Session().region_name, "0.90-1")
rerun with pytorch
▶️ update doc,
@select $(@ref roofAI_semseg_model_AIRS_o2)
roofAI inference create model .
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateModel operation: Region of “” does not match expected region of ca-central-1. Cross region ECR image pulls are not allowed.
aws region
@select $(@ref roofAI_semseg_model_AIRS_o2)
roofAI inference create model .
roofAI inference create endpoint_config,suffix=pytorch .
roofAI inference create endpoint,config_suffix=pytorch,suffix=pytorch .
cloudwatch browse endpoint
roof inference invoke \
profile=VALIDATION - \
$(@ref roofAI_ingest_AIRS_v2)
roof inference describe endpoint \
roof inference describe endpoint \
Image size 13474926778 is greater than supported size 10737418240
You need a smaller container image 🤨. Also, take into consideration that at the moment SageMaker serverless endpoints do not support GPU acceleration 🤨
updating to the CPU model.
function runme() {
local endpoint_config_name
for endpoint_config_name in \
config-model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-pytorch \
config-model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-v1 \
config-model-2023-12-02-19-58-34-09697-ysbKRprW \
config-model-2023-12-02-19-58-34-09697-v2 \
config-model-2023-12-02-19-58-34-09697-gF1bLja1 \
config-model-2023-12-02-19-58-34-09697-v1 \
config-model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-Wnmubt9u \
model-2023-12-02-19-58-34-09697-5PcsJqto \
model-2023-12-02-19-58-34-09697-17yYwi4E \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-pEoSptOf ; do
roof inference delete endpoint_config $endpoint_config_name
runme "$@"
function runme() {
local endpoint_name
for endpoint_name in \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-Od0CqqOz \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-lLhMVWru \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-GkklwnYc \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-OPVtS9KM \
model-2023-12-02-19-58-34-09697-wSl6BFZb \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-rM9cAqWB \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649-jiobxt4Q \
model-2023-12-03-11-24-39-75649; do
roof inference delete endpoint $endpoint_name
runme "$@"
@select $(@ref roofAI_semseg_model_AIRS_o2)
roofAI inference create model .
roofAI inference create endpoint_config,suffix=pytorch .
roofAI inference create endpoint,config_suffix=pytorch,suffix=pytorch .
roof inference describe endpoint \
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘serve’
Next: retry.