Text to Video with Stable Diffusion

Start with a text file, Meeting of the Minds, by Robert Sheckley, for example, and feed it to stability-sdk, line by line, always feeding the previous frame as --init . No --init at the beginning of the paragraph. Then ffpmeg the frames into a video and also an animated gif.

blue_stability generate video \
https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/51833/pg51833.txt \
url,~dryrun,frame_count=100,marker=PART \
--seed 42 \
--start_schedule 0.9

This is the result.

download object

Here is blue stability, my fork of stability-sdk, that adds a bash cli for checkpointing and automation, like the script carried above. 🚀

Here is how the result changes with different seed values.

seed=43, download object (72.54 MB)
seed=44, download object (73.95 MB)
seed=45 — download object

