Vancouver 2050 AI Images
Nov 1, 2022
“More rain, longer heat waves and rising tides” are in the forecast for BC in 2050.
Here is the idea: run images from traffic cameras in Vancouver through Stable Diffusion with the prompt,
More rain, longer heat waves and rising tides
Here are some results,
Here are 50
more images: tar.gz
Here is the script,
abcli select 2022-10-31-vancouver-v2
vanwatch ingest Vancouverabcli select 2022-10-31-vancouver-v2
abcli select 2022-10-31-vancouver-2050-v4; open .
blue_stability transform \
count=50,~dryrun \
.. \
"More rain, longer heat waves and rising tides" \
--seed 42 \
--start_schedule 0.7abcli publish .